Customer Relation

The Managing Director of Mahima Tours & Travels Ltd. has dedicated to provide quality customer service instead of quantity based. Experienced in Travel and Tourism which makes our clients demand repeated services. They are all motivated by the belief that great experiences build great companies with admirable relation.
Introduction with Mahima Tours & Travels Ltd. is only the beginning of a beautiful relationship with us. We believe customer satisfaction is of paramount importance, as taking care of you is not just good business, but an enduring commitment that we strive to maintain. Our aspiration is to become the Airline service of your choice. 
Mahima Tours & Travels Ltd. aims to ensure that the commitment towards quality of service provided is considered on a high scale, taking into account “safety” as important as all other aspects. 
Customer perceptions on quality of services expected from us do vary from passenger to passenger. Therefore, our services are cared for all valued clients and also tailored for their needs. We understand that this begins not only from the time you have purchased the ticket till the time you have reached your destination, but also whenever you need us to lend an ear and an eye towards your travel experience, we are their for you. We do not treat your feedback as just another complaint, but we considered your reaction to our performance and services as our learning which we promised to do even better.  
As much as we believe that most sensible approach to a negative travel experience is to prevent them, at times it's hard to eliminate factors that become hindrance to meet our objective of providing you with a seamless Travels. We need to be aware that we work in line with the Airlines rules and regulations despite having the true intention to assist, support our clients which ever way is possible but again we have to go by the book. Therefore, as a service recovery measure we have made provision of a Customer Relation Team within Customer Support Department, to welcome and respond to any passenger complaints, comments or suggestions. We endeavor to respond quickly and appropriately within BAS with the feedback needed to improve our services.
We, Mahima Tours & Travels Limited are proud of our reputation for being excellent:
A reputation based on our commitment and tremendous labor that we have already delivered to our clients to exceed clients expectation.